Sunday, 23 January 2011

Hand Quilting Conveyor Belt

Well, this weekend has been a sore fingered, achey back and goggle eyed sort of event...

On Saturday, I finally finished quilting my Jacob's Ladder top, and it looks something like this:

jacobs ladder quilted

and closer up like this:

jacobs ladder quilting close up

All that remains now is to bind it. I had thought I might do scrappy binding but not so sure now. I think I would prefer it with a single colour and I'm thinking dark purple...waddya reckon?

So, having finished quilting on Saturday, Sunday I spent with my lovely mum basting my red and black quilt. Thoroughly basting it. Very thoroughly basting it. Here it is in various stages of progress (and turned over to the back to check for bald patches!)
laid out ready to basteready to baste with weightsbasting in progresswell basted

All this basting can only mean one thing: Yes, I have decided to hand quilt again ;-). A couple of blog readers suggested quilting fans (like this) but I've never done this before and wonder if I have too many seams (especially in the log cabinny central bit). Advice please ladies :-)


  1. Oh my gosh your Jacob's Ladder is just stunning!! I'd go with a plain binding too - dark purple sounds good to me! I've never tried the freehand fans either, although I really want to - I think they'd be lovely on the black and red quilt, but you have a good point about the seams. I'm SO bad at figuring out how to quilt.

  2. Love the Jacob's Ladder -- you did such a good job with value, always tricky in a scrappy quilt. I like a plain binding for this, too. I've never hand quilted, so don't know what to say about the fans. Good luck!

  3. I love your quilt. You are quite amazing to do that by hand. I like the clamshell pattern for your next project. I find hand quilting very relaxing. Can't wait to see the finished piece.

  4. Wow! Gorgeous both of them.

    I do love hand quilting but it takes so long!!

  5. Your quilts both look stunning, hard to believe you've only been sewing such a short time.
    I agree with you about the binding of the Jacobs ladder, can't comment on hand quilting - have never contemplated such a thing!
    Thanks for commenting on my journal quilts.

  6. Wow. your traditional quilts are awesome!

  7. I love your Jacobs ladder quilt! I'm making one now and it's nice to see another!

  8. The Jacob's Ladder quilt is absolutely gorgeous. How did you plan out your lights & darks? I am so inspired I would love to do one too. Hope you can advise. Thanks!


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