Friday, 10 June 2011

Have you taken up the Index-Card-A-Day Challenge?

If not, what are you waiting for?!?! Visit Daisy Yellow to find out more about the challenge, and for lots of prompts, inspiration and linky loveliness.

I have created an index card a day every day in June so far (and so have my two boys - you can see some of their creations on our home education blog) and it's been a blast. Here's a few:

icad 10 june

icad 8 june1

icad - 7 june - v

And just to prove that you can fit index-card-a-day in with your other summer plans, here I am, having created my card on the train yesterday:

choo choo

Yes, I know I look like a complete nutcase. The camera does lie. Sometimes.

You've got until 15 June to get started ;-)


  1. Index card a day - you've got me thinking now - my girlfriend made me a little book filled with index cards, I think I might pull it out! I LOVE your cards! [Especially the choochoo!]

  2. Cute that you are fitting art into your life WHEREVER you go! :-) I just couldn't see myself commiting to the index card challenge...but I've seen so many folks participating, and it's fun to see your work!


I love comments! Please don't be shy :-)