Tuesday, 12 July 2011

Light and Dark

I finished adding another ring of hexagons to my charm quilt. They are all light values:

8 rings of hexies

That's over 250 hexagons sewn together and it's still tiny!!

And the dark? It's my two latest ICADs:

icad 10 july1

icad  11 july

I love black gesso ;-)


  1. Those hexies are looking fab!

  2. Love all of your artsy doings, Viv! I'm delighted to see so much creativity all pouring forth in such abundance!! Great fun! Boy, oh my..don't hexagons take such time to grow? They stay like little seeds for such a long time even with care and contribution and give us so much to contemplate! But I must say..they do teach patience and all good things in their time! I'm just glad they're not sand paintings that we have to undo at the end of the journey ;)

  3. Love love love these two cards!! Black gesso is on my list. I have been avoiding the art store lately though because I spend too much darn $$$!!!!
    Your charm quilt is gooorgeous!!

  4. Your charm quilt is looking so pretty. I'd never have the patience to do anything like that!

    Black gesso is great! I love using it as a base because everything shows up so much better.

  5. Love those hexagons...it looks gorgeous!


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