Wednesday, 27 July 2011

My Sister Rocks

It would definitely have been awesome to have been able to get to the Sisters Outdoor Quilt Show earlier this month. But next best thing, is having a sister (H)who just happened upon the show while driving by, and who grabs a load of lovely stuff to send to you :-)

The message I had from H read something along the lines of "I've sent a t-shirt and a book for you, and a pattern and a bookmark for mum, and a few other bits for you and mum to share". So I was expecting these:

sisters tee

The other bits and pieces were these:

sisters fq bundles

and then there were these:

sisters fqs and charm

and these:

sisters with mag

Wow, wow and triple wow!

So, all that remains is for me and mum to fight over share them out between us.

Yep, my sister ROCKS! And, of course, it being a Sisters kind of day, this was my ICAD:

icad 27 july


  1. Oh Viv. Lucky lucky you! Those blues are gorgeous.

    I'm now going into a corner and sulking!

  2. Can't wait to see what they all end up in!!! Have fun with it, whatever you do. Love you big huge bunches. Envious, but supportive and proud, of your talent :-) - H

  3. Wow! Your sister really knows you well. Gorgeous fabrics, and a great new t-shirt.

  4. Oh my goodness I want to adopt your sister - have fun with that, both of you!

  5. Drooool! Your sister does rock! Do you think I could be a sister too? :) I always wanted one :). Have a great weekend Viv!

  6. Wow, that's a pretty awesome haul. Your sister must know you pretty well! What a sweet thing for her to do!

  7. holy cow! bonanza! awesome sister/daughter that.


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